The one thing I DIDN'T learn during YTT
After 10 yoga-packed weekends of asana, assists, pranayama, and practice (plus endless hours of studying, observing, and teaching in between) I’m officially a 200-hour certified yoga teacher! I couldn’t be more proud of myself and yet; I still don’t have it all figured out.
Throughout YTT I learned so much about so many aspects of yoga, my teaching, my practice, and myself. I had hopes going in to it that it would all ‘click’ once I finished this training, I’d feel completely equipped and self-assured, but to be honest, sometimes I still feel like a fraud. I don’t have all the answers to anatomy questions, sometimes I miss-cue in class or forget the Sanskrit terms, I still don’t meditate everyday, and the list goes on, BUT something that my teachers kept saying certainly rings true, “you’re learning more than you think you are.” I’ve learned that it’s not about how much I can memorize, but how I can apply what I DO know in my practice and my teaching. I’m learning every day just by existing and being myself, and from there I can teach with an authenticity and awareness, because I am an authority on my own experience.
So, it’s not so much that I didn’t learn something during YTT, but I realized that I don’t really need to know it all just yet, or maybe ever for that matter. With thanks to my teachers and their teachers before them, here’s to a lifetime of learning and never knowing it all. Namaste.